Friday, August 28, 2020

Black Lives Matter - BeBe Winans

Pay attention to who is not paying attention.

#BLM #RespectTheVoodoo #NOTWITHOUTAFIGHT #TheVoodooIsReal #BlackLivesMatter

#TheRevolutionWillNotBeTelevised #OPENyourEYES #AllAfrica #respectthevoodoo #ancestorsseeall #transafrica #ADOS #staywoke #payattention #panafrica #istaywoke #eyeseeclearly #respecttheancestors #voodooworldwide #congosquarenola #MauMau

WATCH LIVE: March on Washington speeches at the Lincoln Memorial

#BLM #RespectTheVoodoo #NOTWITHOUTAFIGHT #IspecializeInDoingBATTLE #BlackLivesMatter #GeorgeFloyd #TrayfordPellerin #EmmitTill #BreonaTaylor #AhmaudArbery #TrayvonMartin #AltonSterling #EricGarner #TamirRice #MichaelBrown #PhilandoCastille #AltonSterling #BoathamJean #JacobBlake
#TheRevolutionWillNotBeTelevised #OPENyourEYES #AllAfrica #TransAfrica #panafrica #respectthevoodoo #ancestorsseeall #respeiteovodu #transafrica #respecterlevaudou #respetaelvudú #respetaevudú #respektevodoua #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #staywoke #istaywoke #payattention #eyeseeclearly #voodooworldwide #respecttheancestors #CongoSquareNOLA #ados #dacs #africansinamerica #ancestorsseeyou #WestAfrica #EastAfrica #CentralAfrica #SouthAfrica #NorthAfrica #subsaharanafrica #africansinamerica #ancestorsseeyou #dacs #ancestorsseeme #allisablessing #ados #respectthemedicine #hoodoocentral #twospiritconjuror  
#hoodoo #voodoo #obeah #Bokor #lovemyneworleans #conjure #TheConjureMan #realtalk #rootwork #psychic #reallife #doingthework #TheVoodooIsReal 

WATCH LIVE | The 2020 March on Washington

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Dole - Fr*it B*wls - Love Language

⚜️ #MaskUpNOLA • Masking up to keep you safe.

Be a #GoodNeighbor and wear your face covering to save a life.  #SocialDistancing

⚜️ #CityOfYes #LOVEmyNewOrleans #AllisaBlessing #RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal #JacobBlake #BLM


#SpiritWork #SpiritualWork #SpiritWarriors

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Possible Cat 4 - Major Hurricane Laura Latest NOAA Updates - The Weather...

Possible Cat 4 - Major Hurricane Laura Latest NOAA Updates - The Weather...

⚜️ #MaskUpNOLA • #Masking up

#Be a #GoodNeighbor #SocialDistancing

#CityOfYes #LOVEmyNewOrleans #AllisaBlessing #RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal

#Oya #Olóòkun ÒRÌSÀ GBE O #RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal #Afa #Fa #Ifa #Elders #Ancestors #Egun #Egungun #JujuPower

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Little Child Runnin' Wild












#Maroon #Ancestors





Opposite People















#Maroon #Ancestors




‪#LOVEmyTreme ‬




Move on Up (Extended Version)

⚜️  #RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal #LOVEmyNewOrleans


#LouisianaVoodoo ‪

















The Boss

⚜️  #RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal #LOVEmyNewOrleans


#LouisianaVoodoo ‪

















Perk Badger - Do Your Stuff

⚜️  #RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal #LOVEmyNewOrleans


#LouisianaVoodoo ‪

















Sunday, August 23, 2020

Newen Afrobeat Ft. Kologbo - Open Your Eyes (Video Oficial)


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Newen Afrobeat Ft. Kologbo - Open Your Eyes (Video Oficial)

#OPENyourEYES #AllAfrica #TransAfrica #panafrica #respectthevoodoo #ancestorsseeall #respeiteovodu #transafrica #respecterlevaudou #respetaelvudú #respetaevudú #respektevodoua #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #staywoke #istaywoke #payattention #eyeseeclearly #voodooworldwide #respecttheancestors #CongoSquareNOLA

#africansinamerica #ancestorsseeyou #dacs #ancestorsseeme #allisablessing #ados #respectthemedicine #hoodoocentral #twospiritconjuror 

#hoodoo #voodoo #obeah #Bokor #lovemyneworleans #conjure #TheConjureMan #realtalk #rootwork #psychic  #reallife #doingthework #TheVoodooIsReal

Busta Rhymes ft. Ol' Dirty Bastard - Woo-Hah!! Got You All In Check (The...

#RespectTheVoodoo #TheVoodooIsReal

Busta Rhymes - Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See