Friday, November 12, 2010

Hoodoo Exorcism

This is a very powerful, time tested and proven Hoodoo ritual process and should only be taken and performed with the greatest of sincerity, reverence and respect.

This cannot be overstated. Improperly administering this process can open portals...

Hoodoo Exorcism

Divine Peace and Protection!

This is in response to the many inquiries and request about exorcism and the removal of harmful unwanted spirit entities.

We open ourselves up to all many of spirit form and entity everyday of our Earth existence.

They inhabit the very air we breath and operate in here and can inhabit utilize and possess humankind as well.

Can they inhabit animal form, absolutely but not with the same voracity and longevity as taking on a human host.

Animals and children are considered innocents, are pure in spirit, save grave adult abuses and intervention (like the breeding and training of Pit Bulls for violence, child and sexual abuses, etc.) and often lack the necessary negative karmic experience, internal make-up, life interaction and sin or stain spiritually at the soul level to be of any usage to a dark negative habitation.

These demonic entities, like vampires are desirous of the most available and inhabitable soul to further decimate and desecrate the spirit and soul of the host but also as a continuation of the battle of Absolute Good vs. Absolute Evil.

We are ultimately pawns in this epic grand battle and quite desirable one too for our birthright and heritage as beings of both physicality and spirit; multidimensional being existence and operating in parallel realities and worlds.

This is a gift, so far, unknown to any other breathing living entity in our understanding.

Possession of animals and children is generally speaking, a temporary and rare event and more of a means to acquiring a human host.

However, these entities love meat and blood and everyone involved should refrain from meat three days before and three days after the ceremony.

This is a very powerful, time tested and proven Hoodoo ritual process and should only be taken and performed with the greatest of sincerity, reverence and respect.

This cannot be overstated. Improperly administering this process can open portals and gateways for which only a qualified and experienced practitioner can close.

Follow my direction to the letter.

“All is a Blessing IF you can just see beyond the veils; for it is ‘all’ just an illusion and a test, and one of the greatest Divine Mysteries of this life cycle.”

~The Divine Prince!

Serenity Prayer at Sunset

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All is a Blessing!

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I Offer You Divine Peace, Joy and Blessings!

From The House of the Divine Prince Registered, Trademarked & Copyrighted 1990- 2012 for

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TyE Potions®™

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1 comment:

  1. Well written and succinct post about a misunderstood TRUTH.
    Thank you, Divine Prince!
    All is indeed a blessing...
